Salvia Hot Lips 3L
Salvia Hot Lips 3L
Ornamental Sage

Salvia Hot Lips 3L



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The tall erect stems of Salvia Hot Lips have ovate, green leaves and are dotted with small, beautifully shaped flowers with an almost snap-dragon form. These bi-coloured flowers start white near the stem and turn a brilliant red at the flaring tips. In addition, the flowers are aromatic when crushed.


Position S. Hot Lips as a highlight against dark green foliage in a sunny border where its flamboyant displays will punctuate the display, or plant as an eye-catching feature in a zinc or lead container on a terrace.

  • Deciduous perennial
  • Hardy
  • Flowering Period: June - August
  • Any moist, well-drained soil
  • South or west facing
  • Full sun
  • Sheltered

Deadhead or pick regularly to encourage more flowers. Protect from severe frosts.

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