Clematis Warszawska Nike

Clematis Warszawska Nike

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This early large-flowering clematis bears single, velvety blooms of deep purple, which can each measure up to 18cm across. With bright yellow stamens and a silvery underside to the petals, Clematis Warszawska Nike makes a stunning addition to the garden. Easy to grow and relatively compact, allow it to trail through a climbing rose or simply leave to meander up a partially shady tree. 


Clematis have their roots in the Far East. The first example, C. Viticella, arrived in Europe in the mid-16th century. Two centuries later, the Victorians bred numerous varieties and their popularity continues. Clematis Warszawska Nike is a recipient of RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit) for all round excellence.


Flowers: Late May - October

  • Well drained, light soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • Hardy
  • Group 2 for pruning
  • Clematis likes cool roots, so position it so that the roots will be shaded from the sun by another plant.