Ranunculus Ranunculus Rococo Peach, 3L
Ranunculus Ranunculus Rococo Peach, 3L
Ranunculus Ranunculus Rococo Peach, 3L
Persian Buttercups

Ranunculus Rococo Peach, 3L



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Commonly known as Persian Buttercups, the cup shaped, semi-double flowers of Ranunculus Rococo Peach make a striking display in the border during late spring and early summer. These open flowers are orange in colour but streaked with yellow for a warm, glowing appeal, and are held on tall stems above lobed, dark green foliage. This tuberous, deciduous perennial is clump forming with an upright habit. 

Plant alongside Geums for a vibrant burst of colour, or position in a container for a jolly welcome on the terrace. The long stems mean that the flowers are excellent to cut and bring inside, with a long vase life of up to 2 weeks.


Flowers: April - June

  • Moist, well-drained soil
  • South or West aspects
  • Full sun
  • Sheltered
  • Keep moist in first year
  • Deadhead regularly to promote flowering
  • Don’t cut foliage to ground until the plant is dormant as the tuber will be storing energy from the leaves- wait until the leaves have started to shrivel.
  • Skin irritant – wear gloves when handling