Clematis Clematis Jackmanii Superba, 3L
Clematis Clematis Jackmanii Superba, 3L

Clematis Jackmanii Superba, 3L



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This late large-flowering clematis bears silvery buds which open to reveal single, bright blue-purple flowers. These open with a slight red bar which fades as the blooms mature. Medium sized, this clematis is suitable for planting in a large sized container or wall side border, where it will provide plenty of rich colour over summer. 


Clematis have their roots in the Far East. The first example, C. Viticella, arrived in Europe in the mid-16th century. Two centuries later, the Victorians bred numerous varieties and their popularity continues. 


Flowers: June - September

  • Well drained, light soil
  • South, East or West aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • Hardy
  • Group 3 for pruning
  • Clematis likes cool roots, so position it so that the roots will be shaded from the sun by another plant.
Cottage Garden