Clematis Clematis Giselle™, 1.5L
Clematis Clematis Giselle™, 1.5L

Clematis Giselle™, 1.5L


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Clematis Empathy After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed


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Clematis Giselle (Evipo051) is a beautiful clematis with large flowers of an unusual dusty pink that lighten in tone as they mature. It is suitable for containers and small spaces, and it is good value with its long flowering period.


Another clematis from the renown clematis breeder Raymond Evison Nurseries, who have won 32 gold medals at Chelsea. It works well when planted with roses, and looks striking with purple varieties of such shrubs as cotinus or sambuca.

  • Flowers: June - September
  • Hardy
  • All soil types
  • Any aspect
  • Full sun or partial sunlight

Clematis like having their ‘heads in the sun and feet in the shade’. Hard prune in winter/early spring. Remove unwanted dead or damaged stems and trim to strong buds in early spring before growth stars. Dead head to encourage later flowers. Toxic to dogs, cats and horses and humans if ingested.

Cottage Garden