Rosemary Miss Jessop, 3L
The wonderfully aromatic leaves of this culinary herb, Rosmarinus Miss Jessopp’s Upright, are a boon in the kitchen, famously delicious for adding flavour to myriad dishes. It is also extremely attractive in the garden with its mass of pale blue two-lipped flowers and upright habit. It is a recipient of the RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit), for all round excellence.
- Pot size: approx. 3L
- Height and Spread: 100-150cm (3ft-4ft 9in) x 100-150cm (3ft-4ft 9in) after 2-5 years
The wonderfully aromatic leaves of this culinary herb, Rosmarinus Miss Jessopp’s Upright, are a boon in the kitchen, famously delicious for adding flavour to myriad dishes. It is also extremely attractive in the garden with its mass of pale blue two-lipped flowers and upright habit. It is a recipient of the RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit), for all round excellence.
This charmingly scented shrub has an equally charming history: the famous plantsman Edward August Bowles (d. 1954) of Myddelton House, Enfield, was given a rosemary cutting by his neighbour, Miss Euphemia Jessop, from which he bred this upright rosemary and named it accordingly. The story paints its own gentle picture.
In May or June the small flowers arrive en masse
- Poor, well drained soil
- Full sun
- All aspects
- Sheltered
- Container
Due to its Mediterranean roots, Rosemarinus prefers dry conditions. Protect from winter frosts and if required, if used as low hedging, clip back after flowering and to avoid the shrub becoming too woody. If you remember, use the shoot tips to make a memory restoring tea...
Highly aromatic foliage