Eucalyptus gunnii Silverana, 3L
- Pot size: 3L
- Height and Spread: 4-8m (13-26ft) x 2.5-4m (8-13ft) after 10-20 years
In Tasmania it is known as a Silver Gum or Silver Cider Gum Tree because originally the sap was turned into a cheering drink called wayalinah. The essential oil extracted from its aromatic leaves has medicinal uses.
Flowers: Small, fluffy white flowers on mature trees from mid-summer to autumn
- Moist, well drained soil
- South, west facing
- Full sun
Can start off in a large container but if unpruned, in time the tree will need to be planted in the ground. Avoid positioning in cold dry winds when young. If required, prune annually around March-May (after the frost), once established, to retain compact shape.
Aromatic foliage