Bohns Bohns Butt Massage - Spice and seasoning dry rub mix

Butt Massage Spice Rub


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Providing a combination of spices and seasonings that are simply perfect for pork, with this rub you can easily achieve a sweet, spicy flavour. It won't overpower the meat, but rather accentuate its best qualities, making it easy for you to prepare the best tasting pork. 

Never one to blush at a cheeky pun, Thomas Bohn, the founder of Bohn’s Finest Rubs & Spices, is a man who has rubbed, tasted, and experimented widely when it comes to meat. His search for getting the most out of meat with a collection of dry rubs has produced tender, succulent, and mouth-watering results.

Details & Care
  • Store in a cool dry place
  • Shake sachet contents before use
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