Lychnis flos-cuculi Petite Jenny
Lychnis flos-cuculi Petite Jenny
Dwarf Ragged Robin

Lychnis flos-cuculi Petite Jenny

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Enchantingly light and airy, Lychnis flos-cuculi Jenny is a delightful perennial and deserves a place in the border of every British cottage garden. Upright stems with pretty lance-shaped leaves support a mass of fluffy flowers, the powder pink, double petals of which are attractively notched, creating the ‘Ragged’ robin effect.


Its rain-resistant flowers are borne continuously from late spring until the first frosts. The flowers don’t drop petals at all; nor do they brown as they age. Not only loved by butterflies, but also good for cutting for the house.

  • Flowers: May - September
  • Hardy
  • All soil types
  • East, South or West aspect
  • Full sun or partial sunlight

Cut back after flowering. Suitable for moist meadows or wild gardens.