Tulipa Caribbean Parrot Bulbs

Tulipa Caribbean Parrot Bulbs


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A tropical cocktail of colours, the Tulip ‘Caribbean Parrot’ is colourful and vibrant. Close up, the ruffled petals resemble feathers of a bird of paradise, and the fruity shades of mango and papaya add abundant measures of charm.


Whimsically shaped, the Parrot Tulips have developed from mutations of certain late-flowering tulips, and tulips in the Triumph group. As the flower matures and opens, resembling a parrot’s plumage, its petals appear serrated and brilliant colours are revealed.

  • Flowers: April
  • Well drained soil
  • South aspect
  • Full sun
  • Sheltered
  • Planting Time and Depth: Autumn-Winter (September-December), 15cm (6in) deep and 10-15cm (4-6in) apart 
  • Protect from excessive wet and strong winds
  • Bulbs are toxic to pets or humans if ingested and may cause skin allergy
  • Deadhead as flowers fade but allow leaves to die back naturally
Bulbs for Cutting