Fritillaria meleagris Bulbs
Snakes Head Fritillary Bulbs

Fritillaria meleagris Bulbs


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A choice small species of bulb, producing truly stunning, bell-shaped blooms with a chequered purple, white or pink pattern in spring. Both the mottled pattern and the rearing, nodding head, give rise to the unusual name ‘snake's head fritillary’. 'Fritillaria' comes from the Latin fritillus meaning dice-box, possibly referring to the chequered pattern on the flowers, and 'meleagris' means 'spotted like a guineafowl'.

Fritillaria meleagris is the British native variety of Fritillary, a small form that is ideal for naturalising in grass and wildflower borders. Perfect in any garden, and superb naturalised in grass, under trees or in small patio pots. This robust little plant that will form clumps, but do plant as many as you can to make an impact! It is a recipient of the RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit), for all round excellence.

  • Flowers: April - May
  • Hardy
  • Well drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • Planting Time and Depth: Sept-Nov, 12cm (ideally on their side, take care with delicate bulbs)
  • Bulbs are toxic to pets or humans if ingested
Autumn Planting Bulbs