Cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon Pilgrim (Cranberry)
Cranberry Pilgrim

Vaccinium macrocarpon Pilgrim (Cranberry), 3L



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Low growing and evergreen, Vaccinium macrocarpon (American Cranberry) Pilgrim has a lax, spreading habit that makes it ideal for growing in a container or hanging basket. It has year-round appeal, bearing tiny pink flowers in summer which transform into bright red, edible fruits in autumn, with the foliage turning brilliant bronze in winter. Acid loving, it requires a lime free soil or ericaceous compost to thrive. Pilgrim produces one of the largest and reddest fruits of any cranberry. 

Tart cranberries are a ‘superfood’ - packed full of nutrients and antioxidants, ideal for adding to dishes or making cranberry sauce. They can also be dried or frozen. One of the healthiest sources of vitamin C, cranberries can be made into a juice to help treat sore throats and colds, by gargling and then swallowing the liquid.

  • Flowers: June – July
  • Fruit: Sept - Oct
  • Hardy
  • Well drained acidic soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • If planting in a container use ericaceous compost
  • If possible, use rainwater to water (as lime in tap water reduces acidity in soil)
  • Protect the fruits from the birds (or leave berries on the shrub to encourage wildlife)
  • Prune after harvesting to encourage new fruit-bearing upright shoots
  • Estimated time to cropping once planted: 4-8 months.
    Estimated time to achieve best yields: 16-20 months.
  • Crop will increase as plant matures so do not worry if first year harvest is light