Thistle Village Doormat
With a soft blue and white palette providing the impression of blown thistle seeds floating against a blue sky, this attractive doormat is made from 100% natural organic jute. Although pliable, the mat is extremely hard wearing, and as it is two sided, when one side needs a rest you can simply flip it over.
With a soft blue and white palette providing the impression of blown thistle seeds floating against a blue sky, this attractive doormat is made from 100% natural organic jute. Although pliable, the mat is extremely hard wearing, and as it is two sided, when one side needs a rest you can simply flip it over.
Made by a small company in Bangladesh, where the men process the jute into yarn and the women stitch it into mats. As a natural fibre, jute is biodegradable and its texture works well with any furniture or style. Low maintenance, dirt works through the fibres and is trapped underneath, allowing for easy cleaning.
- Surface cleaning is recommended
- Spot clean with soap and water as a surface clean, and vacuum
- Do not immerse in water
- Can also be dry cleaned