Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese Wineberry), 3L
- 3L
- Height and Spread: up to 300cm (10ft) x W: 300cm (10ft) in 10-20 years
With an unusual sweet yet tart flavour, the berries begin as bright orange before ripening to crimson. The thick layer of golden bristles on the stems seems to deter pests and insects.
- Flowers: June - August
- Fruit: July- October
- Hardy
- Well drained soil
- All aspects
- Full sun
- Will need a support system – wires or trellis
- Protect the fruits from the birds (or leave berries on the shrub to encourage wildlife)
- Prune fruited canes to ground level after harvesting to encourage new fruit-bearing upright shoots (flowers and fruit are formed on the stems that grew the previous year). These new canes can be tied together over winter before being trained in spring.