Raspberry Rubus idaeus Twotimer Sugana (Raspberry)
Raspberry Two Timer Sugana

Rubus idaeus Twotimer Sugana (Raspberry), 3L

 - out of stock


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A new raspberry variety bred in Switzerland, Rubus idaeus Twotimer Sugana can produce two crops a year (hence the name!). As a primocane it will crop on the new wood in late summer, but unlike other varieties you should leave these stems to re-crop the following June whilst training the new stems in for the following autumn crop. Image courtesy of Lubera Edibles.

The conical red fruit is large, red and very firm, making it easy to pick. This variety has upright, stable growth and good disease resistance.

  • Fruit: August – October and again in June
  • Hardy
  • All soil types
  • All aspects
  • Full sun
  • Sheltered

Crops once on the one-year-old canes from August to October and once on the two-year-old canes in June, so leave stems uncut to reap the crop in June.