David Austin Roses David Austin Crimson Shower Rose

Rosa Crimson Shower


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David Austin Roses Empathy Rootgrow Mycorrhizal Fungi, 60g
Rootgrow Mycorrhizal Fungi, 60g
David Austin Roses Rootgrow 150g
Rootgrow Mycorrhizal Fungi 150g
David Austin Roses Empathy After Plant, Rose Liquid Feed
After Plant, Rose Liquid Feed


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Rosa Crimson Shower lives up to its name with its abundant sprays of small red blooms held in clusters against dark foliage. An attractive medium sized rambler that will provide a wall or tree with a wonderful display of flowers from midsummer into September. Image courtesy of David Austin Roses.

Please note, our roses are available to purchase all year round, so depending on the time of year your rose may either arrive in bloom or have been pruned or deadheaded appropriately for the season.


Bred by Albert Norman in 1951, Crimson Shower has long, flexible growth that is easy to train and it is also a great plant to grow in shady areas or on poor soil.

  • Rambling rose grown for flowers
  • Flowering period: once, from early summer
  • Fully hardy
  • Enriched, well-drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • Exposed of sheltered

Dig a hole larger than the root ball and loosen surrounding soil, sprinkle with Mycorrhizal Fungi to promote root growth, position rose, infill and water well. Deadhead spent blooms to promote new buds. Please see our rose pruning guide.


Very light fragrance