Non-Alcoholic Margarita Cocktail, 200ml
Carefully blending Pentire’s signature botanicals with lime, agave, sea salt, and a dash of Mexican chilli, this non-alcoholic cocktail is a healthier riff on the classic Margarita. Fresh, zesty, and ready to drink, this canned cocktail can be enjoyed anywhere.
Water, agave syrup, lime juice from concentrate, natural flavouring, Pentire plant blend, Cornish sea salt
Carefully blending Pentire’s signature botanicals with lime, agave, sea salt, and a dash of Mexican chilli, this non-alcoholic cocktail is a healthier riff on the classic Margarita. Fresh, zesty, and ready to drink, this canned cocktail can be enjoyed anywhere.
Pentire’s plant based non-alcoholic beverages celebrate the unique plant life and key botanicals that thrive on the Cornish headland’s combination of favourable climate, soil pH, and air moisture. Crafted for active living, their drink provide a healthier choice for active go-getters.
- 100% plant based
- Low calorie
- Made in Cornwall