Empathy Mini Meadow Easy Sow Seed, ten square metres

Mini Meadow Easy Sow Seed, ten square metres



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An easy way to encourage bees, butterflies and beneficial bugs to your garden, this seed mix contains wild flower seeds (listed by RHS as perfect for pollinators) and a soil conditioner with rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi to maximise the chance of good germination and strong early growth.  Ideal for a ten suqare metres area.

The benefits of growing wildflowers cannot be overestimated, both for pollinators and biodiversity, and using seeds of British origin also supports native species in decline. Wildflowers prefer an open, sunny position with poor quality soil and require little after care, so sowing a meadow is an easy project for both experienced and new gardeners.

Details & Care
  • Ideally sow in spring or autumn on cleared, raked ground
  • Water seed mix in and keep well watered
  • Keep an eye on birds!
  • Seed germination should take approximately 28 days
  • Mow after flower heads have gone over, at end of season
  • Seeds included are: Yarrow, Corn Cockle, Cornflower, Common Knapweed, Foxglove, Viper’s Bugloss, Lady’s Bedstraw, Corn Marigold, Oxeye Daisy, Field Forget-me-not, Common Poppy, Selfheal, Meadow Buttercup, Red Campion, White Campion, Salad Burnet, Great Mullein