Laurus Nobilis Laurus Nobilis Corkscrew 150cm, 7L
Bay Tree

Laurus Nobilis Corkscrew 150cm, 7L

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Laurus nobilis (Bay) is a slow growing evergreen shrub that can easily be shaped to add structure to a garden. Whether planted as a focal point in a potager or garden bed or grown in a pot to add interest to a terrace or to frame a doorway, the quintessential lollipop shaped standard, with a corkscrew stem, adds a certain sense of elegance to a setting.  


The rich, dark green, aromatic leaves of bay are both decorative and useful for adding flavour to cooking, either plucked fresh from the plant or dried. Small greenish-yellow flowers in spring are followed by black berries on female plants.

  • Flowers: April - May
  • Hardy
  • All soil types
  • South, West and East aspect
  • Full sun or partial sunshine
  • Sheltered
  • Approximately 7 years old
  • Clip to retain shape (May to July)
  • Container grown- do not allow pot to sit in water (elevate with pot feet) and reduce watering over winter
  • Shelter when young - Bay is hardier when planted in ground
  • Repot every two years in spring
  • Frost and cold winds can damage the foliage so protect over winter with fleece or move to a garage or sheltered area

Aromatic leaves