Hedgehog Barn
- Weight: 2.8kg
- Dimensions: 24cm (9in) x 37cm (1ft 2in) x 41cm (1ft 4in)
- (Extended porch 24cm (9in) x 37cm (1ft 2in) x 51cm (1ft 8in))
From an estimated population of 30 million in the 1950s, current estimates suggest hedgehog numbers have diminished to only half a million, so it’s wonderful to encourage and support them in your own garden. Your hedgehog house may take a little while to become inhabited but hopefully you’ll soon see them out and about at night, from April to October.
- FSC timber - solid, long lasting design
- Checking the house is recommended only annually, early summer is best
- Place the house in a shady, quiet spot (ie. behind a shed or under thick vegetation) where it won’t be disturbed.
- Angle entry out of the wind