Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales
Derived from folk tales that had been part of the oral storytelling tradition for centuries, these fairy stories are acknowledged as literary landmarks that transcend their time and culture. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm set down over 200 tales in the early decades of the nineteenth century, among them some of the best-loved and most famous fairy tales in all literature: ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs,’ ‘Cinderella,’ ‘Sleeping Beauty,’ ‘Rapunzel,’ ‘Rumpelstiltskin,’ and ‘Tom Thumb.’
Derived from folk tales that had been part of the oral storytelling tradition for centuries, these fairy stories are acknowledged as literary landmarks that transcend their time and culture. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm set down over 200 tales in the early decades of the nineteenth century, among them some of the best-loved and most famous fairy tales in all literature: ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs,’ ‘Cinderella,’ ‘Sleeping Beauty,’ ‘Rapunzel,’ ‘Rumpelstiltskin,’ and ‘Tom Thumb.’
This edition also features ten rarely seen "Children's Legends" and the full-colour artwork of Arthur Rackham.
- Publisher: Barnes & Noble
- Bonded leather hard cover
- Number of pages: 744 pages
- Illustrated
- ISBN: 9781435158115