Farfugium Japonicum Wavy Gravy
Resembling a curly lettuce, this evergreen perennial is much loved for its crazy foliage (and name!) The leaves are held on long stalks, and, with their curled edges, add much interest to the garden. In autumn and winter when much of the colour in the border fades, this little beauty pushes out bright yellow daisy-like flowers.
- Pot Size: 2/3L
- Eventual height and Spread: 100cm (3ft 3in) x 100cm (3ft 3in)
Resembling a curly lettuce, this evergreen perennial is much loved for its crazy foliage (and name!) The leaves are held on long stalks, and, with their curled edges, add much interest to the garden. In autumn and winter when much of the colour in the border fades, this little beauty pushes out bright yellow daisy-like flowers.
This leopard plant is a wonderful addition to a shady area in the garden and looks great when paired with hostas. Compact in habit it also works well when planted in a container.
Flowers: September -November
- Well drained, light soil
- North, East or West facing
- Partial shade
- Sheltered
- Shelter from cold, drying winds
- Does not require pruning. Remove tatty leaves in spring
- Mulch in winter in cold areas