Erodium Erodium Spanish Eyes

Erodium Spanish Eyes, 2L

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One notable fact about Erodium Spanish Eyes is that it is marvellously floriferous and  flowers from spring to autumn. The pink flowers resemble those of their relations - the Geranium - and are prettily marked. Equally appealing is the evergreen foliage, which is deeply cut, almost fernlike, and forms attractive ground cover.

The exact origin of Erodium is not certain, but it is widespread - an alpine relation of Geranium. The name comes from the Greek word for heron - erodios - referring to the structure of the flower once the petals have fallen which resembles the bird’s head.. Erodium is commonly called Storksbill in Britain.


A solid showing of flowers from June to August, it is fully hardy and frost tolerant

  • Moist, well drained soil
  • South, east west facing
  • Full sun

Minimum maintenance is required. Tidy up the evergreen foliage at the end of the winter.