Daphne bholua Perfume Princess 3L
- Pot size: 3L
- Height and Spread:150cm (5ft) x 100cm (3ft3in) after 10-20 years
Daphnes are indigenous to the Himalayas where they are called the Nepalese Paper Plant, (bholua is an approximation of the local name ‘bhulu swa’). This new variety was bred in New Zealand, a brilliant combination of the scented Daphne odorata and large flowering Daphne bholua.
Flowers: Delightful pink, scented flowers from January to March directly from stems.
- Moist, well drained soil
- Full sun or partial shade
- South or west facing
- Sheltered position
Be very sparing with secateurs, only cut back dead or dying stems immediately after flowering since Daphnes are prone to die back. Needs a sheltered position and may need protection in extreme winter conditions
Daphnes are toxic if consumed and the sap can be a skin irritant to some people
Wonderfully strongly scented flowers with citrusy undertone