Clematis Clematis Sally
Clematis Clematis Sally

Clematis Sally™, 3L


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Clematis Empathy After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
Clematis Vitax Clematis Feed, 0.9kg
Clematis Feed, 0.9kg


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The repeat flowering Clematis Sally erupts into large star-shaped flowers (12cm across), comprising pointed petals in an exceptionally pretty shade with a deeper central bar. Unlike other pink clematis that pale in full sun, these flowers intensify in colour to a deep pink when grown in strong sunshine.


This clematis (Evipo077) looks lovely grown through other wall-trained plants and perfectly complements grey-leaved or variegated foliage. Large flowered clematis were introduced from the Orient in the 19th century, but Old Man’s Beard (Clematis vitalba) commonly seen in British hedgerows, is an indigenous relation.


Flowers: From late spring to early autumn

  • Moist, well drained
  • Container
  • Full sun, partial shade
  • South, east, west facing
  • As Clematis like cool roots, try to position so that the roots will be shaded from the sun by another plant.
  • Bear in mind the space they will need to climb and provide a suitable structure - trellis, wall, fence or other plant - to scramble through.
  • Minor pruning to tidy in early spring and after flowering. Group Raymond Evison for pruning