Clematis montana Rosebud

Clematis montana Rosebud

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Empathy After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
Vitax Clematis Feed, 0.9kg
Clematis Feed, 0.9kg


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With semi double, pale pink flowers, Clematis montana Rosebud brings a stunning display of soft colour to the garden in spring. Flowers are shell pink with a creamy centre, and leaves are mid green. Typical montana growth is vigorous, so this will quickly scramble up a wall or trellis, and then, as deciduous, will lose its leaves in autumn. 


Flowers: April - May

  • Moist, well-drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • As Clematis like cool roots, try to position so that the roots will be shaded from the sun by another plant. Bear in mind the space they will need to climb and provide a suitable structure - trellis, wall, fence or other plant - to climb through
  • Can be a skin irritant and harmful to pets if ingested
  • Group 1 pruning