Raymond Evison Clematis Raymond Evison Clematis Clematis Guernsey Flute™

Clematis Guernsey Flute™, 3L

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New for 2024, Clematis Guernsey Flute™ EviGsy153(PBR) is a beautiful, white flowering clematis, one of Raymond Evison’s longest flowering varieties and one of the first to come out of Raymond J Evison’s new breeding programme. As it flowers it holds its buds half open, rather like a champagne flute (hence the name) for an extended period, before opening fully – as pure white, large star shaped flowers, which clothe the plant from May through to July, and reliably repeat flower into September.   


With a compact habit, Clematis Guernsey Flute™ would work particularly well in a container or in the mid to front of a border where its prolific flowering could be fully appreciated. 


Flowers: May – July, again in September

  • For wall, trellis, pergola, obelisk or to grow through other plants/up trees
  • Any moist, well-drained soil
  • Any aspect
  • Full sun or partial shade
  • Clematis like full sun or partial shade and moist, but well-drained soil with their roots in the shade. For this, plant the crown 5-8cm (2-3in) beneath the soil, ideally shaded by other plants.
  • Alternatively layer stones on the surface of the soil, which protects the roots from the sun and from drying out.
  • Group Raymond Evison for pruning  - Reduce all stems down to 15cm (6in) of soil level in late winter/early spring.
  • Can be a skin irritant and harmful to pets if ingested