Clematis Clematis viticella Glorious Surprise
Clematis Clematis viticella Glorious Surprise, 3L

Clematis viticella Glorious Surprise, 3L

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Clematis viticella Glorious Surprise is just like its name, a most appealing late season bloomer, bearing delicate flowers with white centres and pink edges, giving a two-toned effect. Ideal for scrambling up through shrubs or covering supports or an obelisk, it will flower from early summer to early autumn. 


Clematis have their roots in the Far East. The first example, Clematis viticella, arrived in Europe in the mid-16th century. Two centuries later, the Victorians bred numerous varieties and their popularity continues.

  • Deciduous 
  • Flowers: July- September
  • Hardy
  • For wall, trellis, pergola, obelisk or to grow through other plants/up trees
  • Any moist, well-drained soil
  • Any aspect
  • Full sun or partial shade
  • Exposed or sheltered
  • Clematis like full sun or partial shade and moist, but well-drained soil with their roots in the shade. For this, plant the crown 5-8cm (2-3in) beneath the soil, ideally shaded by other plants. Alternatively layer stones on the surface of the soil, which protects the roots from the sun and from drying out.
  • Deadhead regularly to promote flowering
  • Pruning group 3