Clematis Clematis Carnaby

Clematis Carnaby, 3L

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Clematis Empathy After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
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The name, Clematis Carnaby, hints at psychedelic brilliance and the flowers do not disappoint. The pale pink petals with wavy borders have crimson bars around an eye-catching deep red centre. This deciduous climber is conveniently compact in form making it ideal for container planting or in a courtyard garden.


Plant it at the back of a sunny border and watch as it climbs its way up walls, trellises or through other plants to explode in a colourful spectacle in late spring, early summer, and then again, in a slightly paler form in late summer.

  • Flowers: June - September
  • Hardy
  • All soil types
  • East or West aspect
  • Full sun or partial sunlight

Clematis like having their ‘heads in the sun and feet in the shade’. Hard prune in winter/early spring. Remove unwanted dead or damaged stems and trim to strong buds in early spring before growth stars. Dead head to encourage later flowers. Toxic to dogs, cats and horses and humans if ingested.