Clematis armandii, 3L
Bearing creamy white, fragrant, single, star shaped flowers in early spring, this evergreen clematis is a large and vigorous climber. With twining growth, it makes light work of covering a fence or wall so needs plenty of room to spread. New leaves are bronze as they emerge, before becoming leathery and dark, glossy green.
- Pot size: approx 3L
- Eventual Height: 600cm (20ft) x 250cm (8ft)
Bearing creamy white, fragrant, single, star shaped flowers in early spring, this evergreen clematis is a large and vigorous climber. With twining growth, it makes light work of covering a fence or wall so needs plenty of room to spread. New leaves are bronze as they emerge, before becoming leathery and dark, glossy green.
Clematis has its roots in the Far East. The first example, Clematis viticella, arrived in Europe in the mid-16th century. Two centuries later, the Victorians bred numerous varieties and their popularity continues.
- Flowers: March - April
- Hardy – may need some protection in severe winter weather
- All soil types
- South and West aspects
- Full sun
- Sheltered
- Clematis like full sun or partial shade and moist, but well-drained soil with their roots in the shade. For this, plant the crown 5-8cm (2-3in) beneath the soil, ideally shaded by other plants. Alternatively layer stones on the surface of the soil, which protects the roots from the sun and from drying out. Plant out of cold winds.
- Pruning group 1 – does not require routine pruning, but, if required, do so after flowering.
- Toxic to dogs if eaten