Campanula Campanula genti white, 2L
Campanula Campanula genti white, 2L
Bell Flower

Campanula genti white, 2L

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Fill the garden with the light and bright of Campanula Genti White, or Clustered Bellflower, whose bell-shaped, pure white flowers illuminate their surroundings during their long flowering period. With clump forming, evergreen foliage, they are ideal for filling out areas in the border, their elegant flowers held on erect stems, highly attractive to bees and other pollinators  

There are 300 species of Campanulas, and due to their low maintenance and hardy attributes, they have become a staple component of any cottage garden.


Flowers:  June - August

  • Any moist, well-drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial shade
  • Cut back after flowering to encourage a second flush of flowers and to prevent self-seeding
  • Divide clumps every few years to maintain vigour