Calamagrostis Calamagrostis Waldenbuch, 3L
Calamagrostis Calamagrostis Waldenbuch, 3L
Feather Reed Grass

Calamagrostis Waldenbuch, 3L

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An upright architectural grass, Calamagrotis Waldenbuch is very effective in the garden year round. Clump forming, the loosely arching stems produce feathery, purple brown sprays of flowers in summer, which turn golden and last into winter. The effect of  illumination in the soft evening light is really magical.

Slow spreading, Calamagrotis looks wonderful when planted en masse in a border or teamed with other grasses. For a prairie style planting, mix with echinacea or achillea.

  • Flowers: July - November
  • Hardy
  • Well drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial shade
  • Cut back stems to the ground in late winter. It is a cool season grass so will start growing as soon as the frosts have passed, so cut back before new stems appear.
  • Calamagrostis don’t like deep shade or very dry, poor soil.