Betula Betula nigra Heritage
Betula Betula nigra Heritage
Black Birch

Betula nigra Heritage, 15L

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The river birch tree, Betula nigra Heritage is a fast growing, elegant tree, which can tolerate wet soil. The medium sized, deciduous tree bears yellow catkins in spring and serrated green leaves that darken during the season before turning pale yellow in autumn. The peeling bark is what makes this tree so interesting, starting pinky brown, the bark exfoliates, revealing a creamy bark within. 

Found as a seedling in America in 1968, river birch wood was once used to make shoes and farm yokes. It is now often planted to prevent soil erosion along riverbanks, but it does also thrive in drier locations, and is heat/drought tolerant.


Yellow green catkins: mid April

  • Any moist, well-drained soil
  • Any aspect
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • Does not require pruning 
  • Prefers acidic soil but is chalk and clay tolerant