Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket, 3L
This compact, spiny shrub has an upright habit that makes it perfect for hedging, but Orange Rocket is really remarkable for its chameleon changes of colour. The stems are a rich, dark red/brown and in summer the shrub is covered with small, scented yellow flowers which go on to produce bright red fruits in late summer.
- Pot size: 3L
- Height and Spread: 120m x 50cm (4ft x 1ft 7in) over 5 - 10 years
This compact, spiny shrub has an upright habit that makes it perfect for hedging, but Orange Rocket is really remarkable for its chameleon changes of colour. The stems are a rich, dark red/brown and in summer the shrub is covered with small, scented yellow flowers which go on to produce bright red fruits in late summer.
A good shrub for year round interest, Orange Rocket is one of the easiest to grow of the deciduous barberries. The leaves emerge a rusty orange in spring, change to green in summer and turn a glorious orange/red in autumn. This fiery shrub is also attractive to pollinators.
- Flowers: April - June
- Hardy
- All soil types
- West or South aspect
- Full sun or partial sunlight
Will tolerate most conditions but colour change and berries are improved by full sun. Prune after flowering to retain shape.