Angelica archangelica, 1L
An architectural perennial, Angelica can reach great heights, providing elevated interest at the back of your border. The mature stems are hollow and decoratively fluted. The bright green umbels – bursting with tiny star-shaped flowers - are borne on contrasting crimson-pink stems and produce small yellow fruits, which mature into seeds that attract birds.
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An architectural perennial, Angelica can reach great heights, providing elevated interest at the back of your border. The mature stems are hollow and decoratively fluted. The bright green umbels – bursting with tiny star-shaped flowers - are borne on contrasting crimson-pink stems and produce small yellow fruits, which mature into seeds that attract birds.
For centuries, Angelica has been used for medicinal purposes in Northern Europe. John Gerard, writing in his famous English Herbal of 1597, noted that angelica was good for treating venomous bites. Today, the seeds are used to add a distinctive flavour to gin and the candied stems add great taste and colour to cakes or puddings.
- Deciduous perennial
- Fully hardy
- Flowering period: June - July
- Low maintenance
- Relatively disease and pest free
- Any moist, well-drained soil
- Any aspect
- Partial shade
- Exposed or sheltered
Grown in peat free compost in a biodegradable pot made from waste coir with natural latex. Pop the discarded coir pot in the green bin, leave out for birds to use for nesting, use as mulch or add to compost heap .
Mulch annually. Ideally, leave heads intact for birds in autumn
Sweet aromatic foliage when rubbed which will attract native pollinators.