Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli, 2/3L
- Pot size: 2/3L
- Height and Spread: 60cm (1ft 11in) x 40cm (1ft 4in) after 2-5 years
While Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli was bred in New Zealand, the plant originally comes from Africa, and so thrives in full sun. They will actually lean towards the sun so a south facing bed is preferable.
- Flowers: July- September
- Half Hardy
- Deciduous
- Well drained soil
- South or east, west facing
- Full sun
- Sheltered
- Deadhead blooms to prolong flowering (although can be left for interest)
- Remove spent leaves in winter but seedheads can be left for architectural interest
- Protect in cold weather
- Divide clumps in early spring - only divide container planted agapanthus in autumn if entirely necessary, they unusually prefer to be crowded