Agapanthus Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli, 2/3L
Agapanthus Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli, 2/3L
African Lily

Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli, 2/3L

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The wonderfully striated, cerulean blue of Agapanthus flowers are a familiar sight in the front of cottage garden borders or overflowing from containers. Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli variety is compact, creating a mound of strap-like leaves in a sunny border, the flowers adding a striking colour from summer onwards.

While Agapanthus Lapis Lazuli was bred in New Zealand, the plant originally comes from Africa, and so thrives in full sun. They will actually lean towards the sun so a south facing bed is preferable.

  • Flowers: July- September
  • Half Hardy
  • Deciduous
  • Well drained soil
  • South or east, west facing
  • Full sun
  • Sheltered
  • Deadhead blooms to prolong flowering (although can be left for interest)
  • Remove spent leaves in winter but seedheads can be left for architectural interest
  • Protect in cold weather
  • Divide clumps in early spring - only divide container planted agapanthus in autumn if entirely necessary, they unusually prefer to be crowded