Anchusa Anchusa Loddon Royalist AGM
Anchusa Anchusa Loddon Royalist AGM

Anchusa Loddon Royalist AGM

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It is rare to see the intensity of colour present in the petals of Anchusa azurea Loddon Royalist. Tiny, edible flowers with bright eyes are held on hairy green stems above rosettes of lanceolate leaves. As the flowers mature they gently change from vivid blue to blue/purple. A recipient of the RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit), for all round excellence in the garden.


A close relation of wild Forget-me-nots and Viper’s Bugloss, Anchusas attract native pollinators, especially bees, to the garden. Gertrude Jekyll famously used Anchusa azurea at Munstead Wood to great effect. A. Loddon Royalist was developed fifty years ago at the then Lodden Nurseries in Berkshire. Common name is Bugloss.

  • Deciduous
  • Hardy
  • Flowering period June to August
  • Any moist, well-drained soil
  • Any aspect
  • Full sun or partial shade
  • Exposed or sheltered

Cut the foliage back after flowering to encourage a regrowth of fresh leaves and a second burst of flowers.