Vitax Vitax Tree Fern and Palm Liquid Feed, 500ml

Tree Fern and Palm Liquid Feed, 500ml

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In their natural environment, tree ferns gain their nutrients from decaying vegetation that falls from the tree canopy into their crown. This concentrated liquid feed replicates this process to maximise growth, maintain colour and ensure a strong healthy plant. Ideal for tree ferns, ferns, palms, bamboo and grasses, the feed contains a balanced mix of plant nutrients, including magnesium and trace elements, replicating those found in decaying vegetation. 

Details & Care
  • As the trunk and crown of tree ferns will not tolerate drying out, water regularly to ensure the trunk remains damp. Spray the trunk with water during hot weather or dry conditions.
  • To encourage rooting, don’t feed the plant during establishment. After the first year apply a liquid feed to the crown and trunk every 7 to 10 days during the growing season from mid-spring to mid-summer.