Seeds of Italy Franchi Courgette 'Tondo Chiaro Di Nizza' Seeds

Courgette 'Tondo Chiaro Di Nizza' Seeds

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With a round belly ideal for baking and stuffing, this heritage courgette has a delicate light green skin and good flavour. Tondo Chiaro Di Nizza is an early bush variety that tends to trail so needs room to spread. The medium sized fruit is best picked when 10cm in diameter, and the more you pick, the more you will grow!


Franchi, established in 1783, is the oldest family-run seed company in the world. It specialises in endangered and heritage vegetable varieties, inspiring growers to support biodiversity by planting something slightly different from the mainstream.

  • Sow: February - July
  • Harvest: June- October
Details & Care
  • Recyclable packet
  • Horticultural name: Cucurbita pepo L