Tulipa White Valley Bulbs

Tulipa White Valley Bulbs


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Tulip White Valley (form. Exotic Emperor) is an early flowering tulip with bowl-shaped, characteristic flowers atop sturdy mid green stems. This classic beauty is reminiscent of a peony-flowering bulb with showy dramatic petals in cream blooms streaked with attractive greens.


Its sweet aromatic scent and gorgeous displays of colour make Tulip Exotic Emperor a sophisticated addition to your garden this spring. Their soft colouring pairs well with rich reds and deep purples for a beautiful long-lasting display.

  • Flowers: April
  • Well drained soil
  • South or West aspect
  • Full sun
  • Sheltered
  • Planting Time and Depth: Autumn (October onwards), 15-20cm (6-8in) deep and 10-15cm (4-6in) apart
  • Protect from excessive wet and strong winds
  • Bulbs are toxic to pets or humans if ingested and may cause skin allergy
  • Deadhead as flowers fade but allow leaves to die back naturally
  • Foliage should be allowed to die down naturally and then bulbs should be lifted and stored somewhere cool


Spring Flowering Bulbs