Clematis Clematis Tumaini
Clematis Clematis Tumaini

Clematis Tumaini™, 3L

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Clematis Empathy After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
Clematis Vitax Clematis Feed, 0.9kg
Clematis Feed, 0.9kg


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New for 2023 from Raymond Evison is Clematis Tumaini (EviGsy151 PBR), a compact clematis with a wonderful free flowering habit, producing a profusion of pink-mauve flowers.

Named in recognition of the work of The Tumaini Fund, established by Dr Susan Wilson MBE, twenty years ago, to support 100,000 orphans in Kagera, NW Tanzania.

  • Flowers: May- September
  • Hardy
  • Well drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • As Clematis like cool roots, try to position so that the roots will be shaded from the sun by another plant. Bear in mind the space they will need to climb and provide a suitable structure - trellis, wall, fence or other plant - to scramble through.
  • Prune hard to 15cm in late winter/ early spring