Deutzia Deutzia Raspberry Sundae
Deutzia Deutzia Raspberry Sundae

Deutzia Raspberry Sundae, 2L



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Starry, pink drenched flowers cascade from this new Deutzia Raspberry Sundae, they are long-lasting, extremely pretty and sweetly scented. The soft green deciduous foliage, which turns golden in the autumn, is an attractive foil for its own pink flowers and for other herbaceous flowers when the Deutzia flowers are spent in late July.

Deutzias arrived in the 1830s from China and became extremely popular in the 19th century, but were a little overlooked until recently when they have become fashionable again. This very new variety was bred in Britain and is developing a loyal following, earning itself a spot in the centre of the herbaceous border due to its refined characteristics.


Beautiful flowers from April to July

  • Well drained, fertile soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun, partial shade

This shrub requires only a light trim after flowering or even on alternate years after flowering. Remove dead, damaged or diseased branches. Mulch in spring.


Highly scented flowers

Pollinator Garden