Wonder Finance Planner
Keep control of your finances with this hard cover A5 planner. Monthly tracking tools and six-month and one-year reviews allow you to keep sight of your goals and your expenses, while money expert Kalpana Fitzpatrick offers tips and advice for keeping track of expenditure. With space to monitor the year, keeping records is simplified, with a ribbon marker and coloured pages to enliven the detail.
Keep control of your finances with this hard cover A5 planner. Monthly tracking tools and six-month and one-year reviews allow you to keep sight of your goals and your expenses, while money expert Kalpana Fitzpatrick offers tips and advice for keeping track of expenditure. With space to monitor the year, keeping records is simplified, with a ribbon marker and coloured pages to enliven the detail.
Papier was founded in 2015 with the concept of making high quality stationery an attractive and practical component of any desk. Original graphic designs grace the covers of the journals - some painted in house, others as artistic collaborations - encouraging the tradition of putting pen to paper, in a fun and sustainable way.
- 96 leaves (192 sides) of paper.
- The inner pages are 100gsm
- Its hardback cover is 3mm thick with a 150gsm silk paper finish
- Four Money Mentor articles from Kalpana Fitzpatrick
- Yearly review for last year
- Money Clarity pages to set financial goals for the next 12 months
- Savings and debt reviews
- Overall monthly budget to break down your spending
- 12 monthly budget and tracking pages
- Six-month review
- End-of-year review
- Space to plan budgets for six occasions