Lilium 'Eyeliner', pack of three bulbs

Lilium 'Eyeliner', pack of three bulbs

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A hybrid Longiflorum/Asiatic variety, Lilium Eyeliner features pure white flowers, distinctive for their dark purple spots and lining around the edge of the petals. Plant near a window or door so that its sweet perfume can be enjoyed fully, or cut and bring inside for an interesting, fragrant display.

Easy to grow, this bulbous perennial is a traditional stalwart of the garden border but is equally at home in a container, positioned in a sunny, sheltered spot. 

  • Plant: From February, 15cm (6in) deep, 15cm (6in) apart
  • Flowers: June/ July
  • Well drained soil 
  • South, West or East aspect
  • Full sun or partial sunlight
  • Sheltered
  • Lilies can be planted in autumn but are often better left until spring to avoid wet, heavy winter soil. Lilies love full sun but do appreciate some shelter from other plants over their roots.
  • Mix in some good organic matter before planting 
  • Plant in odd numbered groups for best effect. 
  • Will require protection from the wind and flowers may need support 
  • Deadhead the flowers and cut back the stems to ground level in late autumn. The bulbs can stay in the ground over winter in a dormant state but should not be allowed to become waterlogged as this may cause them to rot.  
  • Lilies are highly toxic to cats. Bulbs should not be ingested by pets or humans and may cause skin allergy
