Lavandula Anouk Deluxe Purple
Lavandula Anouk Deluxe Purple is an extremely attractive variety of French lavender that does not require much maintenance. Ideal for town courtyards and country borders, it also responds equally well to being planted in a well-positioned container. Another major bonus is that the flowers will attract native pollinators into your garden.
- Pot size: 2/3L
- Height and Spread: 60cm (1ft 11in) x W: 60cm (1ft 11in) in 2-5 years
Lavandula Anouk Deluxe Purple is an extremely attractive variety of French lavender that does not require much maintenance. Ideal for town courtyards and country borders, it also responds equally well to being planted in a well-positioned container. Another major bonus is that the flowers will attract native pollinators into your garden.
During the flowering season, the upright foliage is surmounted by tightly packed flower heads of purple flowers. Each flower has flag-like tufts of attractively ruffled bracts which flutter in the breeze. The foliage and the flower heads are highly aromatic, especially if lightly crushed.
- Flowers: May - October
- Hardy
- Well drained soil
- South or West aspects
- Full sun
- Sheltered
- Deadhead regularly to prolong flowering
- Prune after flowering to keep in shape and discourage from becoming woody.
Lavender scent