Seeds of Italy Franchi Carrot 'Nantese di Chiogga' Seeds

Carrot 'Nantese di Chiogga' Seeds

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Availability: Out Of Stock


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The nation’s most popular orange carrot, Nantes di Chioggia produces long roots that are crunchy, consistent and do not taper. Round at the top and bottom, they are virtually core less and have a sweet flavour. With sparse foliage and good carrot fly resistance, it is an excellent carrot variety to grow, resulting in roots of an average size of six inches long.


Franchi, established in 1783, is the oldest family-run seed company in the world. It specialises in endangered and heritage vegetable varieties, inspiring growers to support biodiversity by planting something slightly different from the mainstream.

  • Sow: March - July
  • Harvest: June - November
Details & Care
  • Recyclable packet
  • Horticultural name: Daucus Carota L