Books Temples of Books: Magnificent Libraries Around the World
Books Temples of Books: Magnificent Libraries Around the World
Marianne Julia Strauss

Temples of Books: Magnificent Libraries Around the World

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Celebrating the oldest and grandest shrines to books as well as the smallest, Temples of Books looks at the diverse architecture of global libraries throughout the ages and explores the very idea of libraries themselves. Among the world’s most universal and democratic places, they are also outstanding icons of architecture that represent the societies that built them. 


Marianne Julia Strauss is a German travel writer who turned her curiosity into a job. For ten years, she has roamed the world writing about the good things in life, covering love and motorcycles, books, bars and everything in between.

Details & Care
  • Publisher: gestalten
  • Hard cover
  • Colour photography
  • Number of pages: 304 pages
  • ISBN: 9783967040241