Clematis Clematis alpina Constance
Clematis Clematis alpina Constance

Clematis alpina Constance, 3L

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After Plant, Climber and Flower Feed
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Bearing nodding, bell shaped, deep-pink flowers in spring, Clematis albina Constance is a wonderful, free flowering choice for climbing up a north or east facing wall. Occasionally the plant may have another flush of flowers in summer before forming fluffy seedheads. Leaves are divided into three segments with serrated edges. 

Clematis need their roots to be cool and their heads in the sun, so plant with roots shaded by other plants. Use Clematis albina Constance to add height to the garden or to provide colour to a plain background, such as a fence or wall. It is a recipient of the RHS AGM (Award of Garden Merit), for all round excellence.


Flowers: April - May

  • Moist, well drained soil
  • All aspects
  • Full sun or partial shade 
  • Group 1 pruning group
  • Will require suitable support
  • Skin irritant