Friday Fish with the Padstow Fish Company
Join us for fresh, mouth-watering catches from Cornwall

At Burford we are very keen on fresh ideas, and we have been trying to overcome the fact that we are just a little land-locked here in the Cotswolds. But help is at hand: Lindsay and Dorrell Clark have undertaken to load up their van with all sorts of fishy delicacies from the quayside in Cornwall (while we are all asleep on Friday morning) and drive the delicious cargo here to our door.
Lindsay's family have fished out of Padstow for decades and when she moved 'up country' she would never eat the fish on offer because it was not as fresh as she was accustomed to. But recognising a need for good fish in this part of the world, the couple used her connections to source fish from the finest suppliers in the southwest, roughly 80% comes from Cornwall, and 20% from Scotland – salmon for example. Some years ago, they established a fishmonger in Cheltenham, and its success is testament to the fine quality of the produce they sell.
But to save you the trip to Cheltenham (or indeed Cornwall or Scotland), The Padstow Fish Co. will be here in the car park every Friday from 9.30 with a mouth-watering catch, everything from shrimps and scallops to stone bream and skate, including glorious bunches of samphire to make it, were it possible, even more perfect.