In Review: The Flower Garden
May is a joyous time in the garden, when all the carefully nurtured seeds and dormant plants unfurl and take their turn in the spotlight. As this spectacle unveils, so does another, with the arrival of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The competition gardens are always innovative, but it is the flowers that really get people talking, and one of the best ways to produce your own supply of blooms is to grow them by seed.

This can often be a daunting process, but plant photographer Sabina Rüber and Clare Foster (Garden Editor at House & Garden Magazine) share their own growing experience in ‘The Flower Garden - How to grow flowers from seed.’
‘There is nothing more satisfying than planting a tiny seed in spring and watching it emerge and grow… Most seeds want to grow for you- it is what they’re programmed to do.’
Clare Foster
In the book, their curation of almost sixty plants, mainly annuals and perennials, has been divided into categories, such as Cottage Garden, Bold, Scented, Exotic and Edible, allowing for easy reference. Sabina’s beautiful photography means you will find yourself flicking through the pages for no other reason than to enjoy the pictures which, it must be said, are a joy for any garden enthusiast.

For those with little experience of gardening (and those without a greenhouse), fool-proof plants are noted, so it is easy to determine where to start. If you’ve ever wanted to establish your own mini meadow, make a sweet pea arch, or attempt a cutting garden, everything you need to know is here, along with a section on bee friendly plants.
It is a beautiful book that will appeal to any flower lover, inspiring and educational; motivating you to create your own lovely Chelsea collection at home!